
Showing posts from November, 2017

Alexa and Sitecore Integration using OData and XConnect

Introduction In this series of blog posts - we will take a whirlwind tour of how to create an Alexa skill to integrate with Sitecore. The skill will connect with Sitecore's OData Item Service to query content. In later posts we will also be recording Contacts and Events with XConnect. In this post - we will start with the basics. The Proof of Concept In true Blue Peter style - here's one I made earlier. I have created items representing dogs based on the Dog template in Sitecore. The Dog template has fields for description, celebrity (famous example) and personality. I will be querying by these fields. Template Fields Now - querying content via Alexa (sorry about the shaky video!) Enabling the OData Item Service With the release of Sitecore 9 - there is now a new OData Item Service (OIS) that allows us to query and retrieve content using the OData protocol. The OData Item Service is part of the Sitecore.Services.Client framework that enables developers...